Anyone interested in embroidery that was done by hand?
Jessie Newberry was an amazing artist from the turn of the last century. She was educated at the Glasgow school of art in Scotland. At that time, there was almost nowhere in the world where women were taken serious as artists. Scotland was an exception. Here she excelled in making amazing designs by hand.

Embroidery has often times been associated as a womens craft. However men embroider as well. Check out the work of
Orly Cogan. He has been really successful as an artist, embroidering pieces that are really interesting as you can tell. His contemporary, thoughtful designs have influenced a roster of young emerging artists.

What about embroidery artists no one has heard of? If you have been to Eugene Oregon, perhaps to a show at the MacDonald Theater or the Wow Hall, perhaps you have seen
Cameron Greer. He embroiders constantly, and sells his works for pennies an hour, as you will hear if you were to meet him. Cameron is a character, no formal art training but dedicated. He is a true folk artist, and if you look closely at his stitches, perhaps the best embroiderer you will meet. You can buy his work online, although he stays away from computers. His friends market his stuff, because as he says it, "I touch a computer, the lights go off."