Saturday, February 28, 2009

Winter World

As many in this world knows,
winter is cold. It is grey, and the light
in the NorthWest is bluish white.
I was in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago,
where it is much warmer, and the light is orange
and red.

Getting through winter can be interesting.
It calls for more visits to thrift shops,
and nights spent around my desk creating new things
the world hasn't seen yet.

I found a Time Life magazine yesterday
at the bins. It was from 1969, and it it had the
faces of about 100 boys that had died that week
in the Vietnam War. It was strange to see faces
that had died 40 some years ago. Forever 20,24,25,
you get the point. It may be depressing, morbid, I don't know.
I thought it was interesting. I felt like...
all those boys had to have come back to live life again.
It can't just end that abruptely.

Enough of that.
Time is just wierd you know?

I am working on a new series of works.
Mostly using Photo Lithography. I am using
my original drawings of myself and various animals,
and then hand painting on the print.
I may take these drawings and do some screen printing
on paper for my etsy shop when I have some extra time.
I am really excited about my new ideas, and getting them actualized.
I want to have a cohesive body of work that represents
where I am at today as an artist, in hopes of going to grad school one day.
Earlier this week, I was feeling really wintery and sick, and starting to think of giving up on school, and wondering if it was worth all this extra time and money. But that was yesterday, and I came away realizing I am so close to something,
and I may never get it, but one can't give up. My drawings that I am making are the best things I have done in my life. My visions are exciting to me.
Check back every so often to see progress on my new series of work.
I am giving myself a year, starting from last week, to really give a series of work my all. To explore a theme to the end. I have to do it!

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